The Giles Nursery and Infants' School

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School staff lateral flow testing

Staff testing for COVID-19 is planned to begin on 1st February 2021.


Below is some key information about the initiative:


•     Training and delivery took place last week and we will start giving staff their kits from Tuesday January 26th.

•     Staff who are not shielding and working on site will test at home twice a week with a Lateral Flow Device.

•     If they have a negative test they will come into work as normal.

•     If they take two tests (one after the other) and get ‘void’ results they will go and get a PCR (test at a centre) and they will have to self-isolate alongside their household until the result is known. We will then risk assess bubbles that may be affected and communicate any instructions.

•     If they get a positive result, they will need to self-isolate alongside their household immediately and have the result confirmed by a PCR (test at a centre). We will risk assess bubbles that may be affected and communicate any instructions.


We really welcome this testing program as another way to keep us all safer on site. Our catering staff and teaching students will also be participating in this testing program alongside us, to ensure consistency across our team.

