The Giles Nursery and Infants' School

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Severe Weather/Public Emergency :  Signing up to the new School Closure Notification System

All schools in Hertfordshire have signed up to a fast new way of letting parents and carers know when bad weather or any sort of public emergency means that the school is closed. All parents have to do is to log on to: and click on the 'sign up' button in the top right corner of the page on the grey strip and from there follow the brief instructions.


It should take you no more than 5 minutes to register and you can edit your information at any time should you change your mobile number or email address. Each contact can have 2 mobile numbers/email addresses added, so both parents and a family relative can be registered to receive any messages relating to our school's closure. If you have more than one child at different schools in Hertfordshire, you can register once for more than one school in a single registration process by selecting all the schools you have children at.


Please do sign up, as winter is here and this will be the quickest way of finding out whether the school is open or not should we have severe weather. If you do not have internet access but would like to sign up, please call in to the main school office and one of the admin team will be happy to help you register.
